Elémentaire International CM1 – CM2

Programme Primaire de l'EPBI

The PYP is a rigorous study program
based on research
that transforms teaching practices.

It is inquiry-based learning and research that helps
to develop the student’s understanding of the world.

The PYP seeks above all to create a balance
between the quest for meaning, understanding,
the acquisition of essential skills and knowledge.

The PYP consists of 6 transdisciplinary themes:

  • Who are we:An inquiry into the nature of the self;
    beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental,
    social and spiritual health; human relationships
    including families, friends, communities and cultures;
    rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
  • Where are we in place and time:An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys;
    the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind;
    the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of,
    individuals and civilizations from local and global perspectives
  • How we express ourselves:An inquiry into the ways in which we discover
    and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values;
    the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity;
    our appreciation of the aesthetic.
  • How the world works: An inquiry into the natural world and its laws;
    the interaction between
    the natural world (physical and biological)
    and human societies;
    how humans use their understanding of scientific principles;
    the impact of scientific and technological advances
    on society and on the environment.
  • How we organize ourselves: An inquiry into the interconnectedness
    of human-made systems and communities;
    the structure and function of organizations;
    societal decision-making; economic activities
    and their impact on humankind and the environment.
  • Sharing the planet: An inquiry into rights and responsibilities
    in the struggle to share finite resources with other people
    and with other living things;
    communities and the relationships within and between them;
    access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.


Although the PYP adopts a transdisciplinary learning model,
it is important to understand that knowledge disciplines
are not the enemy to flee but rather
an effective and necessary ally (Beane, 1995).

The question, therefore, is not whether to make room
for subject-specific knowledge, but how to integrate knowledge
into the transdisciplinary module in a convincing and authentic way.

To do this, transdisciplinary themes will be studied through six subjects:

– Languages: English and French

– Mathematics

– Science

– Individuals and Societies

– Art

– Personal, Social and Physical Education

The Exhibition:

In the final year of PYP, students participate
in a graduation project: the exhibition.

This project requires each student to invest in the 5 essential elements
of the programme: knowledge, concepts, know-how, skills and action.

It is both a transdisciplinary research project conducted
in the spirit of a personal and shared responsibility,
and a summative evaluation activity to celebrate the transition of students
from the PYP to the MYP.

The exhibition is an important event that brings together
the essential elements of the PYP and shares them
with the wider school community.


There are different assessment strategies:

  • Observation
  • Task completion
  • Procedure assessment
  • Answers to set questions
  • Open-ended questions and tasks